Holistic Therapies

The Bowen Technique

If you are an athlete getting ready to compete or recovering from an injury, Bowen can help get your body balanced and in optimum condition and can help implement speedier healing. Studies show regular Bowen can improve your range of movement and potentially lower your golf handicap by 1-2 shots. It's now used by many professional sports people, including premier football and rugby clubs, to help prevent injury as well as speed up recovery.
Bowen Technique In detail



Everyone may benefit from reflexology – women, men, children and the elderly. 
Reflexology may be effective for many conditions including:
  • Joint pain
  • Breathing disorders
  • Digestive problems
  • Fertility issues
  • Headaches / migraines
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Pain relief
  • Sleep disorders
  • Stress and stress-related conditions
Reflexology may help relieve congestion, aid circulation, relax muscles, calm overactivity in any part of the body, and stimulate underactivity. It may improve cooperation and coordination between the bodily systems. It is a gentle therapy that aims to encourage the body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance.

Reflexologists do not claim to cure, diagnose or prescribe.

How Does Reflexology Work?

Reflexologists believe that the feet mirror the body. All organs, systems and glands of the body can be mapped onto areas of the feet called reflex points. A reflexologist knows how to stimulate the reflex points to bring about a response in the corresponding part of the body.

Reflexology is based on the ancient Chinese theory that energy is flowing all around our bodies. If the energy can flow freely then we are balanced and healthy. If the energy is obstructed an illness may result.

A qualified reflexologist believes they can feel crystal deposits on the feet and hands which could indicate areas of sluggish energy flow. A reflexologist would work these areas with the intention to break down the deposits and restore energy flow thus enabling the body to get rid of toxic waste products and heal itself.


Reiki is a light-contact healing treatment which promotes healing and relaxation in the body. The practice uses traditional hand movements, hand-positioning and targeted hand-resting with minimal pressure on or slightly above the body. 

Reiki means “universal life force energy”. 

By engaging in a deeply relaxing process, individuals will experience feelings of peace, clarity and overall improved well being. It is a natural, safe and gentle practice which treats the individual body, emotions, mind and spirit. 

Reiki is complementary to medical treatments and can help reduce healing time, stress and negative side effects. The proactive approach to healing through reiki can create optimism and give a feeling of power during a period of medical treatment. 

Reiki sessions are non-invasive where the individual lies down, fully clothed in a warm room, often on a massage or padded table. Sessions can last from 60 to 90 minutes depending on the needs of the individual. Multiple sessions may be required to treat long-term conditions however one to two sessions can help significantly help with stress reduction.

Reki Attunments are avialable, Please CONTACT ME for more information.
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Hopi Ear Candles

What are Hopi Candles?

Hopi Ear Candles are hollow tubes made of cotton, soaked in beeswax, honey and herbs. When lit, the candle acts like a chimney, causing the warm air inside it to rise and creating a vacuum at the bottom. This vacuum gently stimulates the ear, facilitating removal of excess wax and impurities.

It is important to note that the candle does not suck wax out of the ear; it stimulates the ear to eliminate the wax naturally, ensuring maximum safety.

How are the candles used?

The treatment should be carried out in a relaxed, draught free atmosphere and the patient should lie in a comfortable position on his/her side with the head supported on a pillow. A small cotton towel or flannel should cover the hair. The lit candle is inserted carefully into the outer ear and the flame is allowed to burn down to within a short distance of a marked red line, when the candle is removed gently and extinguished in some water. The practitioner then massages gently around the ear, using draining movements down the neck.
The procedure is repeated with the other ear, and then the patient lies on his/her back for gentle drainage massage on the face.

It is then important for the patient to have a drink of water and lie still for about 15 minutes before he/she stands up.

What are the benefits?

Hopi candles can be used for many conditions including deafness caused by excess wax, congested sinuses, irritation in the ears, ringing or noises in the ears, tinnitus, rhinitis, glue ear, colds, flu, headaches and migraines. As their action is so gentle, they are particularly suitable for children.

What are the effects?

In most cases the treatment is extremely soothing and relaxing, leaving the patient with a sense of well-being and reduced pressure in the ears or head. A little warmth is felt, and hissing and crackling noises are heard, with a little popping. Most people say that it is a very pleasant experience!
The initial effect can be an improvement in hearing or freer nasal breathing and an improved sense of smell. However, improvements can continue occurring for a day or two.

When should the candles not be used?

Use of the candles is contra-indicated if:
  • The ear drum is perforated
  • Grommets are in place
  • The ear is infected
  • The patient is allergic to any of the candle’s components
I use BIOSUN Ear Candles, which are medical products Class IIa according to medical device directive 93/42/EEC, and are regularly tested by independent institutes. You can therefore be confident that the candles are made to the highest quality and safety.
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